1. Hey! Sorry for the delay, been getting a lot of news in the background. HOWEVER, the initial post here was for a review I'm working on for the bandolier. But, if you're itchin' for a review on the Warlock, I can do that too. Thanks for checking in!


  2. Hey I keep checking this site religiously to see you put up a review of this. I left the comment about loving these and being a viking prince with them and own two. Used them in my last nerf war solely and I pulled down more kills then anyone that day. Don't think I won't notice if you just happen to neglect reviewing this awesome piece of nerf gear.


  3. The black and white swords are GI Joe Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow ninja katana. They're made by Hasbro (who did the GI Joe movie toys) and constructed similarly to the N-Force Thunder and Shadow Fury swords. The only really noticeable difference is the handles on the katana accomodate a two-handed grip.


  4. Hello! I found my Warlock at Target. I heard it was going to be Spring, but there are reports they've come out in Oregon even. Call around and see if any Targets for starters, or check hasbro.com.


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